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Krater - Collector's Edition v1.0.8 (by Fatshark)
Новость от: Liandri
Просмотров: 9506
Ролевая экшн-игра, шведский ответ знаменитой серии пост-апокалиптических RPG Fallout. Действие игры разворачивается в далеком будущем, в котором Земля стала бесплодной и выжженной пустыней из-за падения метеорита. На месте падения, на территории Швеции, образовалась воронка, где вскоре образовались новые поселения. Также как и все местные обитатели, вы начинаете свой путь здесь, в поисках редких материалов и высокотехнологичных артефактов.

Krater is a squad based roleplaying game set in a colorful post-apocalyptic world. It combines the combat mechanics of action-rpgs with the top-down view of the classic old-school RPG and RTS games.
The game brings you far into the future of a post-apocalyptic Sweden. Once home to IKEA, Vikings and Minecraft, today its primitive inhabitants scavenge the broken overgrown world for technological artifacts.
At the rim of an impact site known as the Krater, three factions vie for control over the wound opening up into the world below. Consisting of an endless series of caves and tunnels filled with old world treasures and perils, the Underside stretches into the depths of the fallen Swedish civilization.
You arrive at the Krater with your team of freelancers to take part in the goldrush where people come back rich or don’t come back at all.

• Unlimited Adventure - no matter how deep you crawl, there is always more to explore in an open game world where randomized dungeons and events are combined with more than 60 thoroughly designed locations and 200+ quests in order to create a vast gaming experience. Locations range from small settlements with a handful of struggling inhabitants to large urban areas like Solside City, a sprawling regional HUB where you’ll find all sorts of NPCs and services.
• Uniquely Persistent Characters - watch your team of odd personalities evolve as they level up and gain new abilities, stat increases and equipment, but also...
• Face the Consequences - your characters must cope with the dangers of Krater - if not they will face the threat of permanent injuries or even death.
• Craft Everything - from items, weapons, and gear to the abilities and powers of your characters, you can craft it all with an extensive crafting system.
• Co-op - With the forthcoming coop content update (release date July 10) you will be able to seamlessly blend between the coop and a online singleplayer game - use your characters to explore an open-ended game world in single player, either by following the main story campaign or just free-roaming the Krater (or a mix of both). You can at any time have your team join up with a friend to take on one of the challenging co-op dungeons. All the loot earned and progress made is kept regardless of game mode. And yes, your grinding efforts that you play in the online single player mode prior to July 10 is kept for both the coop and future PvP expansion as well!
• Living title - the game comes from a long test phase with weekly updates of the Steam build that has improved gameplay, added content or new features. This will continue even after release and you can expect free expansions that add or expand on game mechanics, locations, player characters and enemies.
• Visual appearance: The game uses the DX11 API (but it also support DX10 hardware) to be able to use beautiful and varied environment and character art. The enemy units are not all simple texture variations on the same model, but sport unique meshes, animation sets and effects to a large extent.
• No mandatory connection to an online service: For those who rather stay clear of online gaming and enjoy playing through the campaign in offline mode there is a fully supported single player offline mode.

Collector's Edition includes:
• Krater
• Soundtrack
• Dr. Cerebro Pack DLC


System requirements:
• Windows Vista/7
• DirectX 11

• 2.4 GHz
• 2 GB RAM

Screenshots: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14


Скачать / Download - BayFiles #1 #2 #3 | FileFactory #1 #2 #3 | JumboFiles #1 #2 #3 | ZOMGupload #1 #2 #3 - 1.73 GB
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Скачать / Download - BayFiles #1 #2 | FileFactory #1 #2 | JumboFiles #1 #2 | ZOMGupload #1 #2 | 4shared #1 #2 - 971 MB
Пароль / Password: www.2baksa.net

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Раздел: Игры | 06.07.12 | 02:08

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
stoled 13.06.12 | 00:23:39

best team ever, thanks THETA you rock.
fatalerror1 13.06.12 | 00:52:01

nice will try - played beta for a while - it was quite buggy

Could you guys reupload Gratitous Space Battles ?? All links are dead and i think there are new DLCs for it released and also Tank version. thx
FrenFolio 13.06.12 | 01:04:31

Mirror (зеркало) to TurboBit


brekiking18 20.06.12 | 18:52:11

Will Krater get cracked updates? On Steam, it is 1.0.3 as of now.

Thanks a bunch for your quality releases THETA!
Liandri 06.07.12 | 02:11:30

Added update v1.0.8.
Thircase 06.07.12 | 05:17:56



Haximob 06.07.12 | 07:51:37

update v1.0.8
fatalerror1 06.07.12 | 12:13:29

thx surprised surprised surprised Rock of Ages v1.09 and latest Dungeon Defenders please
fatalerror1 06.07.12 | 14:48:25

and Nation Red 1.0.9. please
ErrN0 07.07.12 | 23:30:36

Thanks for the update, much appreciated. smile
Thircase 08.07.12 | 09:50:27

[-Mirror-][-SharpFile-][-No Captcha/Delay-]


Thircase 10.07.12 | 09:48:09

[-Mirror-][-SharpFile-][-No Limit Speed-]


Nws 12.07.12 | 21:43:54

bad news

eek eek
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