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Street Fighter X Tekken v1.00 (by Dimps & Capcom) Eng/Fr/Ger/Ita/Spa/Cz/Jap/Kor/Pol/Por/Rus
Новость от: Liandri
Просмотров: 12220
Грандиозные состязания между представителями двух популярнейших файтинг-вселенных! Прославленные бойцы Street Fighter сойдутся в
эпических битвах два на два с участниками турнира «Железный кулак» из культовой серии Tekken, чтобы раз и навсегда выяснить, чья школа единоборств лучше.

Will You Cross the Line?
The long awaited dream match-up between the two titans of fighting is here! Street Fighter® X Tekken® is the ultimate tag team fighting game, featuring one of the most expansive rosters of iconic fighters in fighting game history. The critically acclaimed Street Fighter® IV game engine has been refined with new features including simultaneous 4-player fighting, a power-up Gem system, Pandora Mode, Cross Assault and more. Street Fighter and Tekken players alike will cross the line in this revolutionary battle!

Welcome to Street Fighter X Tekken, where Street Fighter and Tekken series' stalwarts Ryu, Chun-Li, Kazuya Mishima and Nina Williams headline a memorable cast of your favorite fighters in a tag battle dream match for the ages! Street Fighter X Tekken (SFXT) is a 2 vs. 2 tag team-based fighting game where players can freely tag in and out between partners. The game promises to marry the styles of both a 2D and 3D fighting game for a fresh take on the genre!
Fans from each series will also be able to play with either Street Fighter's traditional 6 button layout or Tekken's 4 button layout!
Players who are new to either series will be able to join in on the fun with an easy-to-understand battle system that promises excitement and countless hours of fun.

• Десятки легендарных героев, в числе которых Рю, Кен, Гайл, Чyн-Ли со стороны Street Fighter и Казуя, Нина, Кинг, Мардук, Боб, представляющие Tekken.
• Схватки с участием двух бойцов с каждой стороны: исход поединка во многом будет зависеть от своевременной замены персонажа.
• Система управления одинаково привычная фанатам обеих серий.
• Энергия Cross Gauge позволит вводить в бой двух персонажей одновременно, а также использовать суперудары.
• С помощью знаменитой системы джагглов из Tekken можно подбрасывать в воздух противников и проводить серии ударов.
• Помимо знакомого по Super Street Fighter IV онлайнового функционала игроков ждет полностью обновленный сетевой режим и несколько приятных сюрпризов.

• Dream Match Up
Dozens of playable characters including Rolento, Zangief, Cammy, Sagat, Hugo, Ibuki, Poison, Dhalsim, Ryu, Ken, Guile, Abel, Balrog, Juri, Vega and Chun-Li from Street Fighter as well as Heihachi, Lili, Julia, Hwoarang, Raven, Kuma, Yoshimitsu, Steve, Kazuya, Nina, King, Marduk, Bob, Law, Paul and Xiaoyu from Tekken.

• Real-time Tag Battle
Fight as a team of two and switch between characters strategically.

• Gem System
A brand new feature that combines customization with strategy, the Gems add an extra level of depth and provide a pioneering way to experience fighting games. A total of 57 Gems (5 Assist and 52 Boost) come standard in the game and players have the ability to equip three different Gems that improve upon weaknesses or capitalize on strengths. Play your way!

• Briefing Room
Get your combos and timing just right with help from your friends in this online training mode.

• Scramble Mode
Four separate players, online or offline, control each of the four characters on screen for the ultimate battle royale.

• Pandora Mode
Sacrifice yourself in battle to give your partner a short, but powerful, boost in strength.

• Familiar Controls
In Street Fighter X Tekken, controls will feel familiar for fans of both series.

• Juggle System
Toss your foes into Tekken-style juggles with Street Fighter X Tekken’s universal air launching system.

• Cross Assault
By using the Cross Gauge, a player can activate Cross Assault and attack with both of their characters at the same time.

• Super Art
Using the Cross Gauge you can immediately unleash a Super Art. Ryu’s famed Shinku Hadoken, Kazuya’s Devil Beam as well as the Tekken characters all have original Super Art techniques.

• Robust Online
Modes In addition to the online features from Super Street Fighter® IV, Street Fighter X Tekken features totally upgraded online functionality, new smoother netcode and some extra surprises.

System requirements:
• Windows XP/Vista/7
• DirectX 9c
• 1.8 GHz
• 1 GB RAM

Screenshots: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19


Скачать / Download - BayFiles #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 | JumboFiles #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 | DepositFiles | FileFactory - 4.49 GB
Пароль / Password: www.2baksa.net

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Раздел: Игры | 05.05.12 | 00:53

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
Liandri 05.05.12 | 00:58:07

Crack only:
amdmen 05.05.12 | 01:37:25

biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin Thanks!!!!,there's a chance in the future for the THETA Team to release Batman Arkham City with all the updates and DLCS surprised
stoled 05.05.12 | 06:28:29

surprised surprised surprised
MerolaC 05.05.12 | 07:01:28

surprised surprised surprised
But, crap. I have just downloaded the Skidrow thing. eek

Is there an SLIGHT chance to get a crack only?

Thanks a lot guys for your hard work!
MerolaC 05.05.12 | 07:08:37

I'm drunk, sorry.
paqu 05.05.12 | 08:22:39

Thanks for this release, also for using Jumbofiles
MassZero 05.05.12 | 11:09:10

I'm waiting for FrenFolio mirror for LetItBit exclaim
FrenFolio 05.05.12 | 11:50:50

Mirror (зеркало) to LetItBit


Crack only:
Valerystepm 05.05.12 | 13:58:20

Liandri, спасибо большое!
Большая просьба перезалить части #1 и #3 JumboFiles? Что-то никак.
Liandri 05.05.12 | 15:15:25

Я проверил, 1 и 3 скачиваются. Если нужно чтобы файлы скачивались с какого-то определённого сервера обменника - не вижу смысла постоянно перезаливать такие файлы, т.к. нету возможности выбирать этот сервер заранее. Предлагаешь надеяться на рандом?
Valerystepm 05.05.12 | 18:30:19

Liandri, ладно забудь! Видно не мой день или много качающих.
Liandri 05.05.12 | 18:50:27

Качающих со временем будет только больше на таких обменниках. Я всё ещё жду появления вменяемых альтернатив...
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