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Vessel v1.13 (by Strange Loop Games) Eng/Fr/Ger/Ita/Spa
Новость от: Liandri
Просмотров: 13055
Изобретатель Аркрайт оживил огромный физический мир, реагирующий на каждое вмешательство в его равномерное течение - "оживлению" поддаётся практически любая жидкость. Создавать тонны вещества, постоянно адаптирующегося к окружающим условиям - такие возможности могли бы затмить силу самой природы... Если бы только удалось контролировать всех этих существ, которые начали жить своей жизнью... Вам предстоит разрешить последствия смелых экспериментов Аркрайта.

Not an industry is left that does not employ FLURO WORKERS in its operations. Their work is FLAWLESS, their efforts TIRELESS, and in the event of industrial accident, their forms REPLACEABLE.
Through use of the M Arkwright’s patented TURBINE invention, Fluro creation is UNRESTRAINED, flexible enough to bring ANIMATION to absolutely ANY LIQUID. The INFINITE ADAPTABILITY of these life-like machines makes them a force greater even than NATURE HERSELF.
With the phenomenal success of this invention, ALL EYES are upon M. Arkwright as he prepares his next great invention, a BUILDING-SIZED creation of UNKNOWN PURPOSE, known only as THE ACCELERATOR.
JOIN US as we venture into this new age of LIMITLESS WONDER and POSSIBILITY, and enter the world of VESSEL.
Living liquid machines have overrun this world of unstoppable progress, and it is the role of their inventor, Arkwright, to stop the chaos they are causing. Vessel is a game about a man with the power to bring ordinary matter to life, and all the consequences that ensue.

• Liquid Gameplay - Vessel is built on an optimized liquid simulation featuring flowing water, scalding lava and steam, reactant chemicals,glowing goo, the mysterious 'protoplasm', and more. Each liquid has unique properties and mixes with other liquids for dramatic effects.
• Bring Liquid to Life – Interact with 'Fluro' creatures that are formed entirely from simulated liquid. Each retains the properties of the liquid they're made of, giving them the ability to melt, reform, absorb, explode, and more.
• Unique Puzzles – Solve puzzles by combining the unique behaviors of each creature with the fluid they're created from. Every aspect of the world is physically simulated, and all puzzles are based in the liquid simulation. Drop a 'Drinker' Fluro and lure him by spraying goo. Create a 'Dark Fluro' and chase him with light. Liquid and physics are not an aesthetic in Vessel, but the foundation of gameplay.
• 2D/3DHybrid Art Style – Explore a world of fantastic, detailed machines and strange, wondrous environments. 2D hand-drawn textures combined with 3D normal maps, lighting, and depth creates a unique, other-worldly look to the visuals.
• Upgrade your Equipment – Use the mysterious protoplasm liquid found in the world to upgrade your equipment, obtaining powerful new ways to manipulate liquid.
• Jon Hopkins Soundtrack – Features a full-length soundtrack by electronic music prodigy Jon Hopkins, internationally renowned for his work with Brian Eno, Imogen Heap and Coldplay.


System requirements:
• Windows XP/Vista/7
• DirectX 9c
• 2 GHz
• 2 GB RAM

Screenshots: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14


Скачать / Download - BayFiles | FileFactory | JumboFiles | 4shared - 376 MB
Пароль / Password: www.2baksa.net

Скачать / Download - BayFiles | FileFactory | JumboFiles | 4shared - 8.93 MB
Пароль / Password: www.2baksa.net

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Раздел: Игры | 01.07.12 | 15:14

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
BoostMan 02.03.12 | 09:47:07

Thank you! smile
novi 02.03.12 | 10:14:17

Thanks but trojan.chifax inside wink
Liandri 02.03.12 | 11:20:33

BoostMan 02.03.12 | 17:06:57

This could be a "false positive" of your anti virus tool. If you really think it might be a virus please check the game with two different virus tools.
I think one the files (maybe THETAs modified files smile ) got a "strange" file signature and then your anti virus starts to cry. This could also happen with some rare exe compressors or decryptors.

I can't confirm any trojan inside this package after checking it with Avira Antivir 2012 (http://www.antivir.de)...but who knows who good the database of this tool is ;)
BoostMan 02.03.12 | 18:47:32

Addendum: I mean exe CRYPTORS not decryptors redface
Liandri 07.03.12 | 17:59:22

Updated to v1.02.
pakis7361 11.03.12 | 11:02:05

nice game but i can't save
pakis7361 11.03.12 | 12:38:20

sorry problem solved
in win7 you have to start game as administrator
Liandri 20.03.12 | 21:34:20

Updated to v1.06.
stoled 21.03.12 | 03:48:55

thanks for all the updates like always guys, you're amazing :D
Liandri 18.05.12 | 18:38:45

Updated to v1.11.
Liandri 01.07.12 | 15:17:03

Updated to v1.13.
FrenFolio 01.07.12 | 15:18:08

Mirror (зеркало) to TurboBit


Haximob 01.07.12 | 15:21:07


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