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SmartGit Enterprise v2.0.3
Новость от: mechanism
Просмотров: 1474
SmartGit является эффективным пользовательским интерфейсом/оболочкой для Git, с акцентом на простоту и ориентацию неспециалистов и людей, которые предпочитают графическое приложение вместо использования в командной строке. Текущая версия поддерживает SmartGit Git все необходимое для ежедневной работы в проектах по разработке программного обеспечения. Оболочка реализует все функции git, наглядно показывает дерево коммитов, позволяет взаимодействовать с GitHub. Самый мощный DVCS на сегодняшний день.

SmartGit is a graphical front-end for the distributed version control system Git and runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. SmartGit helps Git beginners getting started quickly and makes advanced users more productive with its efficient user interface to Git — the most powerful DVCS today.

What SmartGit is?

SmartGit is an efficient user interface for Git, focussing on simplicity and targeting non-experts and people who prefer a graphical application over command line usage.

The current version of SmartGit supports those Git features which are required for the every-day work in software development projects, most notably:
Virtually all local working tree operations
Status, diff, log
Push, pull, fetch (for all protocols)
Tag and branch management
Merge, cherry-pick, rebase
Stash management
Submodule support
Basic Git-SVN support (to use SmartGit as SVN client)


Everything Under Control
The SmartGit project window gives you a very good overview over the current state of the project. On a single glance you can see which files are newly created, have been modified or deleted. A single click reveals the detailed changes.
You can filter the displayed files either by file state (e.g. hide unchanged files) or by file name (e.g. show only *.xml files). The table sorting and column ordering can be customized to your needs. To search a file just start typing its name. Use drag and drop to rearrange the views.
If you prefer, you can combine multiple Git working trees into one project.

SmartGit makes the powerful Git features easy to use by hiding Git's complexity. For example, you never have to enter a long and hard-to-read SHA (commit ID). If you have to chose a commit, you can simply do that by choosing in a graphical log.
For instance, Git offers a very powerful rebase command allowing you to apply changes from one branch to another. With SmartGit you can simply select the commits to apply.

Graphical Log
The graphical log shows the change history of the whole project or a single file. You will instantly see details like the commit message, commit time, author, modified files. When selecting a modified file, the detailed changes are displayed.

SmartGit only requires a Java Runtime Environment and a Git installation on your system. That's it. You don't need a separate file compare or merge tool or an SSH client to work with SmartGit — although, if you like, you have the freedom to use them.
The built-in file compare lets you edit the local file and instantly updates the change coloring.
The built-in SSH client with keystore securely manages your passwords or passphrases for private key files. You only need to one master password. And even this one is optional.

What's new?

Оф.сайт / WebSite: http://www.syntevo.com/smartgit
ОС: Windows XP and Windows Vista/7
Язык / Language: Английский (English)
Размер / Size: 21.95 Mb


Скачать/Download - MegaUpload

Зеркало/Mirror - FileFactory

Зеркало/Mirror - Hotfile.com

Зеркало/Mirror - Letitbit.net

Зеркало/Mirror - Turbobit.net

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.net

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Раздел: Программы | 20.02.11 | 19:54

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
rexpan 06.05.12 | 16:43:57

SmartGit keygen
rexpan 06.05.12 | 16:45:56

Windows setup
rexpan 06.05.12 | 16:52:03

Linux setup

SmartGit folder
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