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Pixtra OmniStitcher v1.4.4.0
Новость от: mechanism
Просмотров: 833
Программа как для начинающего пользователя, так и для профессионала от компании Pixtra. Программа OmniStitcher, предназначенная для сшивания сферических панорам и хорошо работающая со снимками, сделанными широкоугольными объективами, вплоть до «рыбьего глаза».


OmniStitcher™ is capable of constructing omnirama images (e.g., 360°x 360° panorama images that cover not only the horizon but also the sky and the ground) from stitching images of multiple rows. It is a superset of PanoStitcher for one-row stitching.
Stitch photos from regular cameras
Stitch photos of multi-rows or of arbitrary overlap
Ability to stitch to a full spherical panorama
Correction of lens distortion and chromatic aberration with custom camera info making
Auto setup with Exif (Exchangeable image file format) info
Free virtual tour authoring feature: Make an immersive web tour with two-button clicks

OmniStitcher™ constructs 360°x360° omnirama images from multi-rows of overlapping photos taken around a fixed viewing point. It then instantly converts the panorama images to wide wall posters, dynamic screen savers or interactive web pages. Many features are Pixtra unique.Basics
System requirements Windows 95/98/NT /ME/XP PC, 16MB RAM, 256 colors, 40Mb disk space
File types Three Input: JPEG, BMP, TIFF
Output: JPEG, TIFF, QuickTime
Output styles
Two Rectilinear for wide views; Perspective for warp-free scenes.
Save project to work on later Yes At any later time, you can continue a project to add/remove photos , to make panoramas of different resolutions/sizes, or to post panoramas as screen savers or web pages.
Stitch multi-rows Yes* A complete spherical panorama can be build
Stitch random photo set Yes* Interactive tools are provided
Auto-detection of focal length Yes Knowledge of camera focal length is not required
Allows zooming Yes* Can stitch photos of very different zooms
Allows different exposures Yes Automatically balances brightness and intensity between photos
Corrects camera distortion Yes* This is essential for making seamless panoramas
Corrects camera color aberration Yes* The aberration is strong with inexpensive wide-angle lens
Auto-aligns images Yes Overlapping images are registered automatically.
Provides backup alignment tools Yes* Marker and Overlay method is provided to deal with inevitable problems from real-world photos.
Two manual stitching methods Yes* Marker and Overlay method
Handles moving objects Yes* By customizing blending properties
Handheld capability Yes* Can stitch photos of very different overlaps, tilts and zooms
Arbitrary output file size/resolution Yes* Smaller suitable for web publishing while larger for screen savers and wall posters
Auto intensity balancing Yes To compensate differences in camera exposure.
Manual intensity balancing Yes* For customization in addition to auto-balancing.
Customize each photo's blending order, location and width Yes* To hand moving objects.
Brightness/Contrast Adjustment Yes Adjust RGB channels interactively
Cropping/Resizing Yes An omnirama image can be tailored to another size/resolution
Re-converts to omnirama Yes* Useful if other photo editing software is used
Distortion correction Yes* To correct the barrel effect where straight lines in the scene are curved in the photo.
Fill pole regions Yes* So you can interactively put your logo to the standing ground area to complete the omnirama.
Visual multi-page printout setting Yes* Each printout page's location, size and margins are set visually
Views panorama immersive-style Yes Virtual reality interactivity is supported by included PixtraViewer™ and PanoViewer™ plug-ins
Dynamic screen saver albums Yes PanoScreen™ is included
Instant immersive web virtual tour Yes* With a button-click, a panorama page is generated, using three browser plug-ins: Applet, QuickTime and ActiveX

Оф.сайт / Homepage: http://www.pixtra.com/products/OmniStitcher/OmniStitcher_designs.htm
ОС: Windows XP and Windows Vista/7
Язык / Language: Английский (English)
Размер / Size: 9.08 Mb


Скачать/Download - FileFactory

Зеркало/Mirror - DepositFiles

Зеркало/Mirror - Hotfile.com

Зеркало/Mirror - Letitbit.net

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploadbox.com

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.net

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Раздел: Программы | 06.09.10 | 11:50

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