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Your Lingua Simgua v3.7.7
Новость от: mechanism
Просмотров: 524
Моделирование является задачей, с которой Simgua справляется легко, и он имеет важное значение во многих областях, таких как управление бизнесом, экологическое моделирование и моделирование населения, финансовый анализ. Например, в области инженерной экологии моделирование загрязняющего транспорта и оптимизация методов избавления от этого являются теми областями, где Simgua модель может помочь в определении наиболее эффективных направлений деятельности. Экологически оптимальные решения являются важными при разработке устойчивой политики и программ, чтоб получить максимальную отдачу от наших ограниченных природных ресурсов. Но независимо от того, в какой области вы работаете, вы поймете, что Simgua может значительно увеличить ваше понимание сложных систем и вашей способности передать это понимание другим.

Simgua is built to simulate and model complex systems. If you have just started your adventure with system dynamics it will guide you through creating your first models. Whether you are interested in the financial system, sustainability and ecology, defense strategies, or the sales projections of a new product; Simgua is designed to model your problem. Simgua is very easy to use. Even the most detailed of models can be created by simply dragging and dropping the different parts of your model. Download our free trial to see how easy and intuitive Simgua is to use.

Key Features
Visual modeling that is intuitive to use
Constructed models are self-documenting and ideal for communication
Models can be built from simple mathematical equations
Built-in, automated model verification and validation tools
Supports the use of Visual Basic algorithms to extend models and equations
Quickly make your models "live" and share them with others through interactive web pages
Create redistributable "Components" that may be shared with others
Features for both power-users and beginners
Macro support similar to Microsoft Word or Excel
Built-in Optimization, Sensitivity Testing and Risk Assessment studios
Cross-platform support for Windows and Macintosh

Feature Details:

Visual Modeling
Developing models shouldn't be hard. It shouldn't require you to memorize the names of dozens of arcane variables. A good model is one that can be communicated and shared easily. In short, a good model is one that is influential. These are the kinds of models that Simgua creates.
Build models from a set of 8 basic primitives that are snapped together like Legos
Drag and drop primitives in order to create a model
Self-documenting, model diagram is automatically generated and updated as you change your model
Model is easy to understand and share with others
Construct models of unlimited size and complexity
Context-sensitive help throughout the application is ready to give you a helping hand
Arrays add depth to your model allowing it to automatically expand in size as you add more data

Share and Use Models Online
The true value of a model is in your ability to share and communicate its results with others. You'll enjoy Simgua's one-click model publishing feature to make your models "live" on the internet.
Display model diagrams and descriptions in Internet Explorer, Firefox, and other web browsers
Website visitors have the ability to interact with and edit properties that you have defined
Simulations may be run over the internet using the same powerful simulation engine that you use on your desktop
Charts and tables are used to illustrate the simulation results
Example Live Models: Full World Simulation, Product Adoption Business Simulation and Wolf and Rabbit Ecology Simulation

Optimization, Sensitivity Analysis and Risk Assessment
Need to optimize your strategic decisions using a model? Or do you need to explore the uncertainity of your model's predictions? Simgua includes ready-to-go tools to carry out data optimization and sensitivity analysis tasks.
Multivariate optimization studio built into Simgua
Minimize costs, maximize benefits, or estimate parameter values to match historical data
Use sensitivity analysis to explore the uncertainty of your predictions
Risk assessment allows you to extrapolate beyond the bounds of your simulation results to calculate theoretical risk and costs

The Best of Both Worlds
Sometimes visual modeling and mathematical equations aren't enough to capture the complex nature of reality. In certain cases, you will need complicated logical statements or iterative algorithms. With Simgua's Visual Basic support, implementing these is a breeze.
Complete Visual Basic compiler built-in (works on Mac too!)
Can use Visual Basic to write complex equations or solve non-closed form equations
Supports reusable functions to carry-out common data conversions
Visual Basic compiler includes advanced features such as classes and operator overloading
Macros can automate repetitive tasks and can be used to create custom analysis algorithms

Redistributable Components
Simgua is designed for collaboration and teamwork. In fact, we do not view Simgua as an application. Instead we view Simgua as a platform on which you build your own applications. These applications are your models and Simgua's component mechanism allow you to optimize Simgua towards the creation of a specific type of model.
Components are ideal to model systems containing repeated parts such as electric circuits or water treatment plants
Develop components to model separate processes and then share these components with others
Components can be developed from a mixture of primitives and Visual Basic code
Create elegant component calibration dialogs using HTML and other open technologies
Password protect components to distribute them commercially

Power Data Display
So many simulation tools have interfaces that are about as minimal and unattractive as you can get. That's usually fine, but it's not when you need to share your results with others. Simgua supports state-of-the-art tabular and charting capabilities in addition to Excel exports of your datasets. Here are some of the features supported by Simgua's beautiful charts:
Primary and secondary axes
Logarithmic and linear axes with custom bounds
Configurable axes and legend
Trendlines and confidence bands (linear, exponential, polynomial, logarithmic)
Configurable data series styles including 3D-Charts


Materials are a cutting-edge feature unique to Simgua. If you choose, they can separate the data of your model from the structure of the model and allow this data to manipulate and modify itself.

Define custom materials to simulate complex substances containing submaterials
Materials can have an infinite number of submaterials
Define material transformations that are automatically applied independent of the larger model
Create material helper functions to aggregate and and manipulate submaterials

Open Sourced Analysis

Your data is important and your results matter. It is sometimes hard to trust programs that behave like "Black Boxes": applying some mysterious operation to your data before returning an unverified answer. It is even harder to justify the use of such programs to clients. How do they know the answer is right, how do they know there weren't bugs in the Black Box application you used?

You know you can trust Simgua, because we have open sourced our analysis algorithms. Simgua is not another Black Box application, it's open and subject to the scrutiny of researchers from around the world. When your results matter, we think that it is best to be safe.

Оф.сайт / Homepage: simgua.com
ОС: Windows XP and Windows Vista/7
Язык / Language: Английский (English)
Размер / Size: 29.56 Mb


Скачать/Download - FileFactory

Зеркало/Mirror - DepositFiles

Зеркало/Mirror - Hotfile.com

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.net

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Раздел: Программы | 28.08.10 | 23:26

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