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RevisionFX ReelSmart Motion Blur Professional v4.0 for After Effects
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Просмотров: 3091
ReelSmart Motion Blur — плагин для сглаживания видеоизображений на основе вычисления траектории движения. Автоматически отслеживает каждую точку в видеоряде. Позволяет контролировать процесс трекинга пикселей, что снижает процент неверного смазывания изображений при их наложении. Предназначен для работы с After Effects, Shake, Digital Fusion, Toxik и Softimage XSI.


By automatically tracking every pixel, ReelSmart Motion Blur applies more natural-looking motion blur with no effort! Automatically add more natural-looking motion blur to a sequence using ReelSmart Motion Blur. Our tracking technology is at the heart of ReelSmart Motion Blur, so there is no handwork involved. Of course you can add as little or as much blurring as you need and even remove motion blur! Finally, you can create very interesting effects by blurring one sequence by using the motion from another.

Ключевые возможности:

• Автоматический трекинг каждого пикселя из одного кадра в другой
• Большое количество инструментов сглаживания
• Переменная область размытия, возможность перемещения размытия при движении
• Задание направляющих точек для сглаживания при обработке проблемного материала
• Возможность размытия одной последовательности, используя движение другой
• Сглаживание с использованием вектора из внешнего источника
• Поддержка многопроцессорных машин
• 8- и 16-битная обработка цвета (8 бит на канал — для Final Cut Pro)
• Редактирование изображения с «плавающей точкой»
• Совместимость с After Effects от 7.0, Shake, Digital Fusion, Toxik и Softimage XSI.


ReelSmart Motion Blur features, for After Effects-compatible hosts.
automatic tracking of every pixel from one frame to the next
variable amount of blur
ability to blur one sequence using the motion from another.
removal of motion blur
multiprocessor support
8 and 16 bits per channel processing. Unclamped floating point image support in After Effects 7.0 or later.

ReelSmart Motion Blur Pro adds the following features
For all hosts: Support for foreground and background separation using a specified matte. ReelSmart Motion Blur then uses proprietary filling and tracking techniques when working on the background layer, even when it is obscured by the foreground!
For all hosts: Up to 12 tracking points can be specified to help guide RSMB's motion estimation. By using the tracking points you can explicitly tell RSMB where a pixel moves from one frame to the next in order to guide RSMB's calculation of motion vectors. You can set the position of each point at each frame by hand, but more importantly, these points can often be positioned from frame-to-frame using the host application's point-tracking features.
For After Effects and combustion: Plugin included that allows you to blur with motion vectors supplied by you... which, most likely, will come from your 3D animation system.
For After Effects and combustion: When RSMB exhibits tracking problems, you can guide RSMB by simply creating and animating shapes to show RSMB where objects are actually moving. Interactive feature registraion is directed through the host program's drawing and roto tools (splines and polylines), not through a grid of mesh points! As such, there is no new interface to learn.

Read more information on our motion vector format and for techniques for retrieving motion vectors from your 3D system.

Autodesk Advanced Systems (Sparks)

ReelSmart Motion Blur features, Sparks plugin version
automatic tracking of every pixel from one frame to the next
variable amount of blur
ability to blur one sequence using the motion from another.
removal of motion blur
multiprocessor support
8 and 12 bits per channel processing
Support for foreground and background separation using a specified matte. ReelSmart Motion Blur then uses proprietary filling and tracking techniques when working on the background layer, even when it is obscured by the foreground!
Plugin included that allows you to blur with motion vectors supplied by you... which, most likely, will come from your 3D animation system.

Read more information on our motion vector format and for techniques for retrieving motion vectors from your 3D system.

Avid Systems
ReelSmart Motion Blur features, Avid (AVX) version
automatic tracking of every pixel from one frame to the next
variable amount of blur
ability to blur one sequence using the motion from another.
removal of motion blur
multiprocessor support
8 bits per channel processing
Fusion and Vision (eyeon)

ReelSmart Motion Blur features, Fusion and Vision version
automatic tracking of every pixel from one frame to the next
variable amount of blur
ability to blur one sequence using the motion from another.
removal of motion blur
multiprocessor support
8 and 16 bits per channel, and unclamped floating point processing
Support for foreground and background separation using a specified matte. ReelSmart Motion Blur then uses proprietary filling and tracking techniques when working on the background layer, even when it is obscured by the foreground!
When RSMB exhibits tracking problems, you can guide RSMB by simply creating and animating shapes to show RSMB where objects are actually moving. Interactive feature registraion is directed through the host program's drawing and roto tools (splines and polylines), not through a grid of mesh points! As such, there is no new interface to learn.
Plugin included that allows you to blur with motion vectors supplied by you... which, most likely, will come from your 3D animation system. The tool that blurs using user-supplied motion vectors needs 16 bit or floating point images to work properly and therefore does not work in Vision.

Read more information on our motion vector format and for techniques for retrieving motion vectors from your 3D system.
Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Express and Motion

ReelSmart Motion Blur features, for After Effects-compatible hosts.
automatic tracking of every pixel from one frame to the next
variable amount of blur
ability to blur one sequence using the motion from another.
removal of motion blur
multiprocessor support
8, 10 bit YUV and floating point processing.

ReelSmart Motion Blur Pro adds the following features
Support for foreground and background separation using a specified matte. ReelSmart Motion Blur then uses proprietary filling and tracking techniques when working on the background layer, even when it is obscured by the foreground!
Up to 12 tracking points can be specified to help guide RSMB's motion estimation. By using the tracking points you can explicitly tell RSMB where a pixel moves from one frame to the next in order to guide RSMB's calculation of motion vectors. You can set the position of each point at each frame by hand, but more importantly, these points can often be positioned from frame-to-frame using the host application's point-tracking features.
Motion only: Plugin included that allows you to blur with motion vectors supplied by you... which, most likely, will come from your 3D animation system.

Read more information on our motion vector format and for techniques for retrieving motion vectors from your 3D system.

OFX plugins for Nuke, Maya/3ds Max Composite and Scratch

ReelSmart Motion Blur features, OFX Version
automatic tracking of every pixel from one frame to the next
variable amount of blur
ability to blur one sequence using the motion from another.
removal of motion blur
multiprocessor support
8 and 16 bits per channel and unclamped floating point processing.
Support for foreground and background separation using a specified matte. ReelSmart Motion Blur then uses proprietary filling and tracking techniques when working on the background layer, even when it is obscured by the foreground!
Plugin included that allows you to blur with motion vectors supplied by you... which, most likely, will come from your 3D animation system.

Read more information on our motion vector format and for techniques for retrieving motion vectors from your 3D system.
Shake (Apple)

ReelSmart Motion Blur Features, Shake Version
automatic tracking of every pixel from one frame to the next
variable amount of blur
ability to blur one sequence using the motion from another.
removal of motion blur
multiprocessor support
8 and 16 bits per channel and unclamped floating point processing
Support for foreground and background separation using a specified matte. ReelSmart Motion Blur then uses proprietary filling and tracking techniques when working on the background layer, even when it is obscured by the foreground!
Up to 12 tracking points can be specified to help guide RSMB's motion estimation. By using the tracking points you can explicitly tell RSMB where a pixel moves from one frame to the next in order to guide RSMB's calculation of motion vectors. You can set the position of each point at each frame by hand, but more importantly, these points can often be positioned from frame-to-frame using the host application's point-tracking features.
When RSMB exhibits tracking problems, you can guide RSMB by simply creating and animating shapes to show RSMB where objects are actually moving. Interactive feature registraion is directed through the host program's drawing and roto tools (splines and polylines), not through a grid of mesh points! As such, there is no new interface to learn.
Plugin included that allows you to blur with motion vectors supplied by you... which, most likely, will come from your 3D animation system.

Read more information on our motion vector format and for techniques for retrieving motion vectors from your 3D system.
Softimage (Autodesk)

ReelSmart Motion Blur features, Autodesk Softimage (formerly Softimage|XSI) version
automatic tracking of every pixel from one frame to the next
variable amount of blur
ability to blur one sequence using the motion from another.
removal of motion blur
multiprocessor support
8 and 16 bits per channel and unclamped floating point processing
Supports tracking guidance using points from 3D scene (via projection plane mapping), tracker tool hook up, and 2D point parameters one can connect via expressions
Plugin included that allows you to blur with motion vectors supplied by you... which, most likely, will come from your 3D animation system.

Оф.сайт / WebSite: http://revisionfx.com/products/rsmb/
ОС: Windows XP and Windows Vista/7
Язык / Language: Английский (English)
Размер / Size: 13.45 Mb


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