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Install4j MultiPlatform Edition v4.2.5
Новость от: Argonavt
Просмотров: 731
Install4j - мощный, многоплатформенный Java-установщик, генерирующий для Java-приложений пусковые системы и установщики. Программа выделяется благодаря простоте использования, расширенной поддержке платформ, мощной системе отображения и рабочей системе.

install4j is a powerful multi-platform Java installer builder that generates native installers and application launchers for Java applications. install4j excels in its ease of use, its extensive platform support and its powerful screen and action system.

Свойства программы:

Исключительное удобство использования. Мощная и простая в использовании программа, Install4j на всех уровнях разработан, чтобы помочь вам решить ваши проблемы.
Приятный интерфейс и интуитивно понятные инсталляторы.
Благодаря install4j вы можете настраивать экранный поток для установщиков и деинсталляторов любым способом, который вам нравится. Программа обеспечивает действия для широкого спектра использования, и позволяет вам создавать ваши собственные действия прямо в среде разработки install4j.
Гибкие автообновления и пользовательские приложения.
Простое создание индивидуальных скринов.
Генерация встроенной пусковой системы.

Release 4.2.5 (2009-11-18)

New features:
"Load response file" action: Added an "excluded variables" property for variables in the response file that should be ignored.
"Create a file association" action: Added a "Role" property for Mac OS X to make the file association role configurable as "Viewer or "Editor"
"Bundled JRE" step of media wizards with dynamic JRE bundles: Added "Start download without user confirmation, if necessary" check box
Added an "Arguments" property to installer, uninstaller and custom installer applications that allows fixed arguments to be passed to the installer application
Directory chooser improvements: Rescan when directory is collapsed, new folder button at the bottom, context menu, dragging a file int the tree sets the current selection
File and directory chooser components: dragging files to the text field is now possible
Installation directory choosers and "customizable directory" screen: Added a "Manual entry allowed" property
"Directory selection" screen: Added "Validation script" property
All beans with directory choosers: The "validation script" property is now also executed in console mode and when the screen is validated, not only when for chooser button is used
Separate field for product name in windows version resource info step of the launcher wizard
Added VM parameter -Dinstall4j.suppressStdout=true to prevent status messages from being written to stdout in unattended mode
Added VM parameter -Dinstall4j.detailStdout=true to print installed file names to stdout in unattended mode
Added VM parameter -Dinstall4j.suppressUnattendedReboot=true to prevent a reboot in unattended mode

Bugs fixed:
"Password field" form component: do not trim leading and trailing spaces of passwords
Mac OS X install4j ant task did not work with Java 1.6
"Add desktop link" action: The action will now try to append .exe on windows if the destination file does not exist
Changed desktop file in order to prevent the "untrusted application" message on GNOME
Installation directory selectors: In console mode, it was was not checked correctly if the selected directory is suitable
"Installation type" screen: Variable sys.installationTypeId was not set in console mode
Fixed execution of downloaded update installers with bundled JREs on Unix
The generated file classes.jsa of a bundled JRE was not removed when the installer was canceled
Fixed compile exception for launchers in excluded file sets
Mac OS X: The date in the DMG file was wrong
If "Insert after selection" was selected in a bean registry dialog, some beans were inserted in a wrong position
Compiler variables could not be used when overriding the message key UninstallerMenuEntry
Fixed backspace handling in console mode when using Putty 0.5 and AIX
"," is not a bad character for program group names
The previous JRE was not restored on rollback
API: com.install4j.api.SystemInfo.getPhysicalMemory() did not work for Linux 2.4 kernels

Официальный сайт | Home Page - www.ej-technologies.com

Размер:20.09 MB


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Раздел: Программы | 23.11.09 | 23:11

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
Marty 23.11.09 | 23:18:17

Chebur 25.11.09 | 03:27:53

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