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Wing Pro 10.0.4 (x64)
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 378
Wing IDE Professional - полнофункциональная среда разработки Python, предназначенная для профессиональных программистов. Он включает в себя мощный редактор, анализ кода, рефакторинг, отладки, поиск, модульное тестирование, управление проектами и функции контроля версий. Макет Wing IDE прост, при этом окно редактора является его центральным креплением. На периферии расположены поддерживающие панели, исходный браузер, выходные данные и окна отладки и т. д.

Wing Pro is a full-featured Python IDE designed for professional developers. It includes powerful editing, code intelligence, refactoring, debugging, search, unit testing, project management, revision control, and remote development features.

Get More Done
Type less and let Wing worry about the details. Get immediate feedback by writing your Python code interactively in the live runtime. Easily navigate code and documentation.

Write Better Code
Avoid common errors and find problems early with assistance from Wing's deep Python code analysis. Keep code clean with smart refactoring and code quality inspection.

Find Bugs Faster
Debug any Python code. Inspect debug data and try out bug fixes interactively without restarting your app. Work locally or on a remote host, VM, or container.

Intelligent Editor
Wing's editor speeds up interactive Python development with context-appropriate auto-completion and documentation, inline error detection and code quality analysis, PEP 8 enforcement, invocation assistance, auto-editing, refactoring, code folding, multi-selection, customizable code snippets, and much more. Wing can emulate vi, emacs, Eclipse, Visual Studio, XCode, and MATLAB.

Powerful Debugger
Wing's debugger makes it easy to fix bugs and write new Python code interactively. Use conditional breakpoints to isolate a problem, then step through code, inspect data, try out bug fixes with the Debug Console's command line, watch values, and debug recursively. You can debug multi-process and multi-threaded code launched from the IDE, hosted in a web framework, called from an embedded Python instance, or run on a remote host, VM, or container. Wing also provides an array and dataframe viewer for scientific and data analysis tasks.

Easy Code Navigation
Wing makes it easy to get around code with goto-definition, find uses, find symbol in project, editor symbol index, module and class browser, keyboard-driven search, and powerful multi-file search. Visit history is stored automatically, so you can instantly return to previously visited code. Or define and traverse categorized bookmarks that track automatically as code changes.

Integrated Unit Testing
Wing supports test-driven development with the unittest, doctest, nose, pytest, and Django testing frameworks. Failing tests are easy to diagnose and fix with Wing's powerful debugger, and you can write new code interactively in the live runtime context set up by a unit test.

System Requirements:
Wing runs on Windows 10+ for 64-bit Intel processors. Windows 8 may work in some cases but is not recommended or supported. Earlier versions of Windows will not work.

Официальный сайт | Home Page: www.wingware.com
Размер | Size: 96.4 MB

Wing Pro 10.0.4 (x64) + KeyMaker-DVT

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 03.05.24 | 15:11

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