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Aquarium Lab v1.7.0
Новость от: brodyga
Просмотров: 534

С Aquarium Lab вы сможете следить за развитием вашего аквариума как учёный, но без необходимости изучения всех деталей. Программа позволяет легко вести данные по нескольким аквариумам, с пресной или солёной водой.


Aquarium Lab allows you to keep track of you aquarium like a scientist, no degree needed. The program is built for easy data entry, and supports multiple fresh and saltwater aquariums simultaneously.
Aquarium Lab is a complete aquarium tracking software package for Windows XP, 2000, and NT that will help you maintain healthy aquarium conditions...

Properly monitoring and maintained aquarium conditions can lead to a truly beautiful and healthy aquarium. Aquarium Lab makes it easier for you record and analyze many aquarium parameters:

The program encourages you to record water quality parameters, by making this information easy to Be entered. The program then does the calculations and graphing for you automatically making it easy for You to interpret test kit results, and analyze your aquarium water chemistry. You can log and graph 21 different chemicals, including pH, Temperature, Alkalinity, Ammonia, and Calcium. You can also schedule partial water changes and observe how much wastes remain at the end of the water change.

Aquarium Lab encourages you to keep a profile of each living Fish, Coral, Plant and Invertebrate in your tank. Including a photo, date purchased and dietary habits. The program supports multiple fresh and saltwater aquariums simultaneously. Detailed reports are generated in html format.

Aquarium Lab encourages you to enter the aquarium's physical measurements. The program then calculates the aquariums weight and volume.

Aquarium Lab encourages you to record the price of all your aquarium purchases. The program then calculates for you the total worth of your aquarium and breaks it down by several different categories. Detailed expense reports are generated in html format, which can be printed

Electrical Costs
Aquarium Lab encourages you to enter the wattage of your aquarium devices. The program then automatically calculates power consumption and Costs of operating the device for 1 day, 1 month and 1 year. For each one of your aquariums find out how much it costs to operate the pumps, lights, and electric devices.


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Раздел: Программы | 01.05.07 | 11:55

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
Ghost Rider 01.05.07 | 12:23:20

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sergun 01.05.07 | 12:40:59

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Unipredator 01.05.07 | 18:27:34

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celeste 01.05.07 | 20:14:50

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