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GetSmile v1.93
Новость от: karma
Просмотров: 990
Программа для участников WEB-конференций, а также всех, кто желает вставлять в свои письма красивые графические смайлики - GetSmile позволяет каталогизировать и использовать тысячи готовых картинок-смайликов, вставляя их в сообщения - в дистрибутив включено около полутысячи графических смайликов, но при желании к ним можно добавить свои собственные. Поддерживаются наиболее популярные почтовые клиенты - Outlook Express, Becky!, Eudora, The Bat!, IncrediMail, Mozilla Mail, Netscape Mail, Pegasus Mail и некоторые другие. Кроме этого, возможна совместная работа с почтовыми веб-службами Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail. Имеется полная поддержка Drag & Drop и Cut & Paste; в Windows XP/2K возможна настройка уровня прозрачности окна программы. Интерфейс - многоязычный.


GetSmile is simply the easiest way to express your emotions and thoughts in the Internet. Whether you are writing an email, participating in forums or chatting on MSN Messenger, GetSmile is going to help you express yourself and bring more fun into your life. Now you can send, capture, organize and share smileys with one easy-to-use and absolutely safe tool. Finally, the smiley software you’ve been waiting for is here. GetSmile lets you insert the most beautiful smilies in your messages. Just one mouse click stands between you and them. You can insert stunning smilies in MSN Messenger without creating shortcuts; you insert smilies directly from GetSmile. Your friends don't need to download anything to see smilies. GetSmile works fine with most email programs and Web-based mail. You can insert funny smilies in message boards, blogs and even in MS Word. GetSmile comes with over 1600 funny smilies, including 700 smilies created especially for MSN Messenger. They are well categorized for easy browsing. You can add new smilies or other cool animations from the Internet or your hard drive quickly and easily. The program is highly optimized to preview hundreds of animated smilies simultaneously. GetSmile gives you everything you need to organize your smilies. You can organize smilies exactly how you want them. GetSmile also helps you create signatures for emails. By combining your text and smilies you can create wonderful signatures.

GetSmile is simply the easiest way to express your emotions and thoughts in the Internet. Whether you are writing an email, participating in forums or chatting on MSN Messenger, GetSmile is going to help you express yourself and bring more fun into your life. Now you can send, capture, organize and share smileys with one easy-to-use and absolutely safe tool. Finally, the smiley software you’ve been waiting for is here.

Key features:
GetSmile lets you insert the most beautiful smilies in your messages. Just one mouse click stands between you and them!
You can insert stunning smilies in MSN Messenger without creating shortcuts; you insert smilies directly from GetSmile. Your friends don't need to download anything to see smilies.
GetSmile works fine with most email programs and Web-based mail. Please see the full list of supported programs.
You can insert funny smilies in message boards, blogs and even in MS Word.
GetSmile comes with over 1600 funny smilies, including 700 smilies created especially for MSN Messenger. They are well categorized for easy browsing.
You can add new smilies or other cool animations from the Internet or your hard drive quickly and easily. The program is highly optimized to preview hundreds of animated smilies simultaneously.
GetSmile gives you everything you need to organize your smilies. You can organize smilies exactly how you want them.
GetSmile works with pictures in gif, jpg, png and bmp format. So you can add your favorite signatures, clipart or photos to your collection.
It helps you create signatures for emails. By combining your text and smilies you can create wonderful signatures.
It does not contain any additional software components like toolbars, searchbars, spyware, adware or malware.


Download / Скачать 5.8 MB

Rar pass: www.2baksa.net

Чтобы Скачать с rapidshare !
Кликаем по ссылке, далее еще раз внизу страницы на кнопу "Free", ждем 20-40 секунд до появления картинки с символами.
Вводим эти символы в поле и кликаем "Start Download".

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Раздел: Программы | 11.12.06 | 23:51

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
Noy 12.12.06 | 01:01:30

surprised surprised surprised
bambur 12.12.06 | 01:08:45

teobchi 12.12.06 | 04:09:18

biggrin biggrin biggrin
klon 12.12.06 | 12:50:56

СПАСИБААА!!! biggrin
vektornice 12.12.06 | 16:25:36

Детишки будут рады! biggrin
phi1 12.12.06 | 19:02:04

Karma, merci beaucoup!
(это по-хранцузски, надо же выпендриться как то... ))) )
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